So, you are the outdoors type who likes to get out and get physical. You are use to bike riding, running, jogging, joining in on sports and many other fun activities that keep you on the go. Being active is what keeps you healthy and happy and also keeps your body in shape.
Now you have moved on to another chapter in your life. You have had the joy of a new little one. Between the doctor visits and all the preparations required for a new baby you haven't been getting out like you use to. Maybe you have put on a few extra pounds or gotten flabby in some areas. You want to get back in shape but, well, the baby. What can I do?
Solution: Take the baby with you! It's easy with a Schwinn jogging stroller...
Schwinn Jogging Stroller
There are two main types of jogging strollers:
Fixed-wheel Joggers:
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Fixed-wheel jogging strollers are the traditional form of jogging stroller. The larger wheels mean a smoother ride for your child and the fixed front wheel tracks in a straight line with minimal input from you. That way you can focus on your running stride. Great for going through grass, over curbs and sidewalks and various types of terrain.
Swivel-wheel Joggers:
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Swivel-wheel jogging strollers are great for tight places and lots of turns. This jogger is especially useful for urban environments or high population densities where maneuverability is a key. It's also a good 'one size fits all' stroller if you are running and walking, plus traveling or shopping.
Some of these strollers let you lock the front wheel in place for traditional jogger function and swiveling for great maneuverability when you need it.
Questions to ask before buying
Q: Will I run or walk exclusively with this item?
A: If yes, a fixed-wheel jogger would fit your needs because it has larger, more terrain-appropriate wheels, will make running easier for you, and more comfortable for your child.
Q: How do I know if my child is ready to ride in a jogger or bike trailer?
A: Children should be able to support the weight of their head. We recommend that a child be at least 6 months old before putting him or her in any of our strollers. Trailers are not for use with children under the age of 12 months.
Q: What is the height and weight limit for my baby?
A: Height limit for all of our strollers is 38 inches tall. Recommended weight limit is 50 lbs or less.
Schwinn has been a leader in quality and design for generations.
Schwinn Double Trailer/Stroller
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If you prefer cycling, try this convenient double bicycle baby trailer which easily converts to a stroller for walking or jogging. Recommended for children from 12 months old up to 50 pounds. It is loaded with nice features such as a rain and bug shield, roomy storage, 20" wheels and a sturdy aluminum frame. This Schwinn masterpiece has a 5 year warranty. For a less expensive single trailer without the stroller option click here.
The latest Schwinn news… InSTEP was making baby strollers for Schwinn, then they both were sold to Pacific Cycle. Pacific Cycles tries to make the Schwinn line just a little more elite than the regular Instep product, so you'll notice that the Schwinn design is superior just by a small notch. These Jogging Strollers however, are very similar to other InSTEP models.
These Schwinn jogging strollers are perfect for moms and dads who want to keep trim and fit. Or maybe you are preparing for a triathlon. Either way, staying healthy is the greatest gift you can give to your child. So if you're into jogging and fitness, get your jogging gear together, pick up that "God-given" bundle of joy and get out there!

you prefer cycling, try this convenient
bicycle baby trailer which easily converts to a stroller for walking or jogging. Recommended for children from 12 months old up to 50 pounds. It is loaded with nice features such as a rain and bug shield, roomy storage, 20″ wheels and a sturdy aluminum frame. This Schwinn masterpiece has a 5 year warrant