About Those Muscle Bikes!

 Krates  Fastbacks  Classics

Muscle bikes mimick the souped up Mustang's, Camaro's and many other street rods that were hot in the late 1950's and early 1960's. These 2 wheeled wonders were an overwhelming success right from the start. First to hit the pavement was the Classic Sting-Ray soon followed by the Lemon Peeler, Apple Krate, Fastback and numerous other Schwinn muscle bikes.  

The original Sting-ray was so successful millions sold the first year. Would anyone gamble with perfection? Could anyone have possibly improved on the Classic Sting-RayBut that's just what Schwinn did. It's 1969 and the Krate series moves in for the challenge. The Schwinn Krates are irresistible and like the icing on the cake, come out shinning. 

The wide 20 inch slick tires, banana seat, high rise handle bars, stick-shift and the super strong light weight frame make them so cool and easy to maneuver. It's almost as much fun thinking about it as it was experiencing it.

The Krate's consisted of a front springer fork coupled with a small 16 inch wheel, front disc brakes, rear shocks and a 20 inch wide rear slick tire. It was the epitome of cool. Now that was a muscle bike to reckon with! 

All Schwinn Sting-Rays were built to last using superior materials, quality craftsmanship and unbeatable credited durability. They have no doubt stood the test of time and are still going strong.

Where To Find Vintage Schwinn Sting-Rays

With hundreds of thousands made, many vintage stingrays are still to be found at yard sales, estate sales, eBay and grand-dad’s basement. If your serious about finding a specific item, eBay is definately the best resource to check. If you're not familiar with eBay click here and prepare to be wowed...
Sadly, some vintage Schwinns’s are found in dumpsters and junk-yards and very fortunate to be rescued. What kind of overbearing monster would treat an innocent sting-ray bike like that? That is why Schwinn enthusiast like you and me need to be on the look-out for these critical finds. Your next exciting save could be right out the door and around the corner. I think it's calling your name. Good luck with your next Sting-ray adventure.

How To Identify A Vintage Schwinn Sting-Ray

Find the serial number on the Schwinn. From 1960-69, Chicago Schwinn’s had their serial numbers on the right rear axle mount. From 1970-79 the Chicago Schwinn’s had their serial numbers on the lower end of the head tube. Use this link to assist you in finding the serial number on a vintage Schwinn. (Schwinn Serial Numbers and Date Codes)

Here are some classic sting-ray pictures from the golden era of the muscle bikes. We hope you enjoy them. Included are classic stingray pictures from the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. Some of these are my own collection and others I encountered while wondering around in cyber-space.

The  “Ram’s Horn” Fastback (H-37 model) was introduced in 1967.

The 1968 Schwinn Mini Twinn is a rare find and was only made for one year. Only 400 were produced. It sold for around $100.00. 

The Krates hit the streets in 1969. Strict safety standards caused its demise in 1973. In the late 1990's the reproduction Krates came along and were produced 'till the mid 2000's. They are true to form and built well. The Grape Krate, which previously was never produced, is included in the reproduction models.

The cool stick-shift met its demise in 1973 after a 7 year run also due to strict safety regulations.

The Manta-ray was made for 2 years, 1971 and 1972. It was a larger sting-ray with 24″x1 3/8″ tires whose popularity never caught on. Quick maneuvers and sharp turns are nearly impossible with the larger wheels.

The OCC Schwinn Sting-ray bikes came on the scene in April 2004 and was an immediate success story for Schwinn. But it was short-lived. By mid 2006 sales had dropped dramatically and production ended on September 29th.

Schwinn Lemon Peeler Wheelie:

Enjoy the Beach Boy's music while you watch this young pro ride a wheelie for more than 1 minute and 40 seconds. 

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